Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Wife and MUM 06/2012

Thursday 02 August 2012

Irene wears spectacles to correct her vision. To read she needs glasses. On raining days when she drives at night the street lights will appear as big balls of different shapes. As such, God send her a chauffer – me, the husband that doubles up as a chauffer. It is actually an interesting actiivty to drive her around. She will update her driver on the what is in the newspaper, what was covered by CCTV – the China program on Astro TV, what is her grandson learning now and the month he will be joining day school. In short, I get an education for free.

In recent months Irene has been voicing her concern over her deteriorating eye sight. She felt that her vision was getting blurred, a little like looking through a frosted glass. She then made a decision to visit an eye specialist, an ophthalmologist for a diagnosis. The doctor did a great job of testing her eye vision and checking her eyes for defects, etc. The ophthalmologist expalins that there is a clouding of her eye's natural lens. In short she has developed cataract.

The term cataract is from the Greek word cataractos, which explains water turning from clear to cloudy when the water is turbulent and running rapidly. Early Greeks attribute visual loss as due to an accumulation of this turbulent fluid or "cataracts". The doctor explains that our eye lens is made mostly of water and protein. The protein keeps the lens clear and allows light to pass through it. With age, some of the protein may clump together and start to cloud a small area of the lens. This is a cataract, and over time, it may grow to cloud more of the lens making it harder to see.

Irene check with her friends and her insurance agent for their experience and their views. She subsequently went to consult anther doctor for a second opinion. Upon further explanation from the second consultation, she decided to have the cataracts removed. She went for her cataract removal on Monday (30th July 2012).

To prepare for surgery, she swept all the rooms in the house clean, vacuum the rooms and sofa, clean the fans and washed all the cloths. It is incredible that she was making sure the house is clean and will need little maintenace after her surgery. Being focus on resulys and do what is necessary by paying attention to small details is one of her strong points.

She identify her end goals for the week, i.e. doing as little as necessary after the surgery. Advice she gathers from her friends and confirmed by the doctor. She is really living the management rule “People who do not plan, actuall plan to fail”. Irene never went to business schools, never taken a management course but in her university of hard knocks she learned “People do not plan to fail, but they do fail to plan”. Irene do not write down her goals but she set goals in her head. She is EXCEPTIONAL as she is a goal getter. She begins with the end in mind even though she had never heard of nor read any Stephen Covey books.

Lesson for me:
What are the things you want to accomplish?
Translate them into activities /behaviors that will achieve the end goals.
Do the activities until you achieve your goals.

Hope to see you soon.
Papa Coaching

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